Prof. Sandra Ladi Adamu

Ladi Sandra Adamu is a Professor of Broadcasting, in the Department of Mass Communication, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria. She started the ABU FM 101.1 Campus Station and was the Coordinator of the studio project for ten years. Prof Ladi belongs to several professional bodies including ACCE Nigeria and Nigeria Community Radio Coalition.

Awarded Fellow, African Council for Communication Education, FACCE, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the growth of communication, academia, and the ACCE in Nigeria. Awarded Fellow by The Institute of Management Consultants IMC-Nigeria, in recognition of outstanding and demonstrated commitment to creating, maintaining, extending and promoting the highest world standards of management consulting practice, ethics, competence and client service.

She has over sixty academic publications in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Prof Ladi has published six books including a manual on community radio. She won two national university challenges organized by Amaka Igwe’s Best of the Best Television (BOBTV) documentary film production in 2006 and 2011.